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Medicine Cooler Box and Cooler Bag Selection Guide – Which Cooler Bag Suits Your Medicines?

Are you looking for the best medicine cooler bag or cool box for the safe transport of your temperature-sensitive medicines?

Whether you are taking a short trip or traveling to multiple locations, it is essential that your medicines remain in the right storage conditions. This selection guide will help you easily choose the ideal medicine cooler or cooler bag that suits your specific needs.

By answering a few questions, such as the temperature range your medication needs to remain in, the type of trip you are taking, and the cooling options available on location, you will receive personalized advice. This way, you can always store your medication safely and effectively, wherever your trip takes you. Read on to learn more about our cool boxes and cool bags for medicine, so you can make the best choice for your situation.

Step 1: Determine the Storage Temperature of Your Medicines

Choose the right cool box or cool bag based on the temperature range your medicines require:

  • Option 1: 2-8°C – Suitable for cold medicines.
  • Option 2: 16-25°C – For medicines that require less strict refrigeration.
Temperature Recommended Cooler/Bag Options
2-8°C Lifeinabox, Lifeina12, Lifeina24, iCool VacPack, iCool Medicube
16-25°C Medsactive Easybag, Dison Care Cooling bottles

Step 2: Choose the Type of Trip and the Cooling Options on Location

Determine the type of trip you are taking and what cooling options are available at your destination:

  1. From A to B with on-site cooling – You have a refrigerator available on site, so you only have to bridge the journey.
  2. From A to B without cooling on site – No refrigerator available on site. Choose a cool box that is also suitable during the stay.
  3. From A to B to C without a freezer on location – You are traveling to another location without a freezer; choose a cool box that is suitable for multiple stops.
  4. From A to B to C with freezer on site – A freezer is available at the stopover, which allows for reloading of cool packs.

Recommended Products Based on Travel Type and Temperature Requirement

Type of Travel Recommended Products 2-8°C Recommended Products 16-25°C
From A to B with on-site cooling Lifeina12, Lifeina24, iCool VacPack, iCool Medicube EasyBag Classic, EasyBag Weekender
From A to B without on-site cooling Lifeinabox (electric) EasyBag Classic, EasyBag Weekender
From A to B to C without a freezer on site Lifeina24, Lifeinabox (electric) EasyBag Classic, EasyBag Weekender
From A to B to C with freezer on location Lifeina12, Lifeina24, iCool VacPack, iCool Medicube EasyBag Classic, EasyBag Weekender

Step 3: Compare Products and Specifications

Make your choice based on the capacity of the cool box or cool bag and the length of time your medicines need to remain cool.

Product Temperature Duration Capacity
Lifeinabox 2-8°C 6 hours (battery) + 18 hours (power bank) 3 standard injections
Lifeina12 2-8°C 12 hours 5 standard injections
Lifeina24 2-8°C 24 hours 5 standard injections
iCool Vacpack 2-8°C 18 hours 12 standard injections
iCool Medicube 2-8°C 36 hours 20 standard injections
Easybag Classic 16-25°C 3 days 1 standard injection
Easybag Weekend 16-25°C 5 days 5 standard injections
Dison Care 3 series 2-25°C 36 hours Suitable for different sizes
Dison Care 3 series XL 2-25°C 60 hours Suitable for larger quantities

Please note: Amount of Injections and Product Choice

When choosing the right medicine cooler or bag, capacity is important. Some products are designed for a single injection, while others can hold multiple doses. Therefore, choose a product that matches the number of injections you need, so that your medicine stays safe throughout your journey.